Rapid Assessment in Kediri, East Java, Indonesia after Mount Kelud eruption
On Day One Mission, Sunday, 16 February 14, I joined the WFP Representative mission to Kediri as part of the Rapid Response Team to conduct first hand assessment on the impact of the Mount Kelud eruption.. The mission was tasked to assess the humanitarian situation in the area due to volcanic eruption in Kediri Regency. I picked up three colleagues of WFP at the airport Juanda at around 1230hrs. After that we proceeded to visit BPBD (Provincial Disaster Mitigation Agency) to meet Mr. Sugeng, Chief of Operation and Control Center to get detail information on Mount Kelud eruption. We continued to go to Hotel 88 on Jalan Embong Kenongo Surabaya to stay overnight prior to go to Kediri. We were received by Mr. Eko from Camat Puncu Office. He told a lot of info regarding situation in Puncu district during Eruption up to now. Puncu district is the worst area that were affected by volcanic ash fall of Mount Kelud due to it is in 9km radius from Kelud crater. Many houses and ...