Current situation on facing ICC's decision on 4 March 2009

Hari ini Rabu 4 Maret 2009 situasi di El Fasher khususnya dan Darfur umumnya adalah siaga 1, semua staf dilarang melakukan perjalanan kemanapun kecuali emergency case. Ini berkaitan dengan menjelang di terbitkannya Warrant Arrest terhadap Presiden Sudan Omar Al Bashir oleh ICC hari ini. Berita BBC menyatakan bahwa ICC tetap akan mengeluarkan Warrant Arrest untuk Presiden Sudan Omar Al Bashir apapun resikonya.

Wah, kalo gini caranya, jelas kita-kita yang di lapangan ini yang paling riskan terhadap hasil keputusan ICC. Bisa jadi kita seluruh staf UNAMID yang ada di Darfur menjadi target oleh pihak-pihak yang menentang keputusan ICC, walaupun sebelumnya sudah ada jaminan dari pemerintah Sudan bahwa mereka akan melindungi semua staf UNAMID, but who knows gitu loh.....

Sejak kemarin telah didatangkan Local Police dari Khartoum untuk memback-up pengamanan staf UNAMID dan seluruh aset-asetnya, ada sekitar 250 Local Police yang sudah tiba di El Fasher dan mereka ditempatkan di dekat ARC Compound El Fasher.

Hari ini pula, sejak jam 10.00 tadi telah terdengar dua burung besi (jet tempur) milik SAF (Sudan Air Force) yang sedang show of force di atas UNAMID Camp dengan terbang rendah sekali, sehingga nampak jelas sekali dari base camp kita di Super Camp.

Seperti banyak dilansir dalam berita media cetak ataupun elektronik, Omar Al Basyir mengatakan bahwa kuputusan apapun yang dikeluarkan ICC tidak akan ada apanya-apanya dan tidak berpengaruh bagi Pemerintahannya, karena memang itu semua sudah diskenariokan oleh negara-negara barat terhadap Sudan.

Inilah kutipan berita BBC News hari ini Rabu, 04 Maret 2009:

Warrant issued for Sudan's leader

Omar al-Bashir says the charges reflect Western hostility towards Sudan
The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Sudan's president on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.
But the court in The Hague stopped short of accusing Omar al-Bashir of genocide. He denies the charges.
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of the capital, Khartoum, after the announcement, amid fears of unrest.
The UN estimates about 300,000 people have died and millions been displaced in six years of conflict in Darfur.
It will not be worth the ink it is written on President Omar al-Bashir. Court spokeswoman Laurence Blairon said Mr Bashir was suspected of being criminally responsible for "intentionally directing attacks against an important part of the civilian population of Darfur, Sudan, murdering, exterminating, raping, torturing and forcibly transferring large numbers of civilians and pillaging their property".
She said the violence in Darfur was the result of a common plan organised at the highest level of the Sudanese government, but there was no evidence of genocide. The court would transmit a request for Mr Bashir's arrest and surrender as soon as possible to the Sudanese government, she added. It is the ICC's first warrant against a sitting head of state. ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo made the request for the warrant in July 2008.

Reacting to the charges, an aide to Mr Bashir said the Hague judges were biased.
"This decision is exactly what we have been expecting from the court, which was created to target Sudan and to be part of the new mechanism of neo-colonialism," Mustafa Othman Ismail told Sudanese TV.
Speaking on Tuesday ahead of the announcement, Mr Bashir said the Hague tribunal could "eat" the arrest warrant. He said it would "not be worth the ink it is written on" and then danced for thousands of cheering supporters who burned an effigy of the ICC chief prosecutor.

Sudan expert Alex de Waal told the BBC the indictment is "pretty toothless" as the ICC does not have a police force and the warrant will be delivered to Sudan's government, which is unlikely to execute it.
Heavy security is in place in Khartoum and large pro-Bashir demonstrations are expected.
But there is also a strong feeling in the city - albeit seldom openly expressed - in support of an indictment, says the BBC's Peter Martell in Khartoum.
The war crimes court has already issued two arrest warrants - in 2007 - for Sudanese Humanitarian Affairs Minister Ahmed Haroun and the Janjaweed militia leader Ali Abdul Rahman. Sudan has refused to hand them over.

Apapun yang terjadi hari ini dan seterusnya sudah kita antisipasi semuanya, kita telah mengadakan segala persiapan dengan berbagai latihan ketrampilan dalam menghadapi situasi terburuk sekalipun, termasuk bila harus evakuasi ke luar Darfur.

Hanya Alloh Yang Maha Tahu apa yang akan terjadi hari ini dan seterusnya di bumi El Fasher ini, dan marilah kita semua selalu berbaik sangka kepada Alloh Yang Maha Berkehendak sehingga kebaikan situasi dan kondisi selalu diberikan kepada kita semua yang ada di El Fasher dan Darfur umumnya.

Sekian dan salam dari El Fasher (EFA)

Garuda 6 out....


ardin mengatakan…
maju terus GARUDA BHAYANGKARA, kepakkan sayapmu, buktikan kepada dunia internasional bahwa kita mampu, kami selalu mendoakan kalian,demi merah putih,jayalah selalu

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